so bad kan nak tengok HP masih tak dapat dapat. kerana:
- i only have rm9 in my purse. pfft.
- got no company to watch together except for wan. but she is now attending the spm.
- unfigured factors. HAHA
okay okay move on nadia. having not-so-so-good last night but yayyy ended with a smile and tears of joy. thanks LUCKY guy. i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
as you can see that i only have 1 piece of 5 note and 4 pieces of 1 not. thank you. but still, the desire to own something something never failed to make me dream and dreammmmm. yessss!! in the need of new handbag, new sneakers, new jeans etc etc etc. okay here is the i-do-not-know-when-to-get list. plus, i am not from a filthy rich familia. maybe a challenge for myself to earn my own money for those expensive things which i really can't afford right now. so nanti bangga sikit beli barang idaman guna duit sendiri because i don't find any satisfaction shopping with parents' money. do you proud of that?? okay. this is the long-term target. semua berangan aja ni. eheh (:
- C&K handbag
- BB
- C or V or T sneakers
- M or E purse
- D colourful bracelet
- owl or elephant necklace
- M or Z jeans
- Z or HP flats
- R or K flip flops
- F21 or CO or M or Z or just nice and comfortable tops
and andd for the next birthday for the LUCKY guy of my this entire 4 years before. i think i can aonly buy him shirts or shorts or a K flip flops. i want him to have M or CO or T aja lah. Q is sooooo boring. tak rare. sama macam R and T yang perempuan perempuan sekarang suka tu. boooo. errkkk.

ni pun santek kan. untuk abang, maybe. weeeeeeeee. :)))))
sooooo. okay dah. list kebajetan dah siap lah juga. now, i just have to save and save. christmas will off to singapore which is wayyyy cheaper than our country. tapi crrency dah naik. hadoiii. selamat menghadapi spm kepada yang menghadap. senang ajaaaaaaa :P
im goin for harry potter wif ein this wednesday ! JOM LAH ! hee.
ReplyDeletetp pokai juga ! X_x
this wednesday? kluang?
ReplyDeletetak ada jauh lagi ke nyahhhhh??
mantap do!
ReplyDeleteaku memang sentiasa mantap aihh ili oiiiii :P