hello rakyat Malaysia . .
tajuk tu semangat Malaysia boleh kan? :D haha. i just finished watching the final takraw match. cewaaaah. supporting the Malaysian team lah wei! at first, i thought it was a waste of time watching sports. but not lah. as i watched them score and score, i got excited as the adrenaline level got higher and higherrrrr. woww. my heart was like shouting "Malaysia dapatlah emasssss!!!" but sadly we lose :'( to Thailand. so, we'll bring silver medal for takraw team. fyi, we've been losing takraw to Thailand for four times straight. tears washed away by the hujan now. haha. okay. lihat gambar di atas. gilalah dia lipat. caraaaa sei. :Othen, i realized that female also joined the takraw match but not for Malaysian team. well, i think it's not appropriate for female to lipat and kangkang like men. haha. and i was wondering "eii, tak takut ke dara kau koyak?" omgomg. :D

oh dear. look at that. i couldn't do this. and afraid okay :O

ni team Malaysia. except for the tallest guy, but he still the previous team members (:. the tekong was Azman. you can see Azman from the first picture with the mustache. nor shahrudin was great in the game, who wore jersey number 11 and farhan, the smallest (:

and soooo. i was thinking and hoping that the LUCKY guy can play takraw. he plays soccer. tak cool sangat. andddd andd i had a crush with nor shahrudin. haha. haih. perempuan if tengok sports tak sah kalau tak tengok ke-handsome-an players kan. :D
till then, go go Malaysia. Malaysia boleh!!!
p/s: to amie all the best for her badminton tournament in the karisma, uitm.
woww. sangat terkezut anda layan sport2 nie ! ahaks ~
ReplyDeletesukun amie ? HAHA. sukun uitm shah alam !
mestilah peqa oi. MALAYSIA BOLEH!! (: