hello anybody. how have you all been doing? great huh? yeah it's weekend lah. ^_^
sooo. maybe the title should be DO I REALLY NEED THIS. haha.
when to think this back kan. do i really need this branded clothes, shoes and bags and etc etc?? plus, i am not from a rich family, i don't have that much of savings and i don't have the scholar except for ehsan ayah tercinta. anddd, i am studying right now. i should focus most on studies and my coming career. i have to think how am i going to make my mak happier and give anything she wants like i was now and a little monster. i want to pay everything back to her. she has done A LOTTT to me. i love you mak.
to add more. when to think it back againnnn, what's the purpose of me living in this world? to make more money? to make a lot of friends? to make my wardrobe fuuuull with branded things or whatsoever? maybe i can afford to buy all the things i wanted in the future. in order to afford all this thins i wanted, i have to get an awesome job. and in order to have an awesome job, i have to struggle on my studies. this time i'm studying what i like which i prefer the most rather than studying biology, physics and chemistry. do you know that when you are studying the thing that you like, i mean that goes along with your music, you'll have a higher probability to nail it mann.
sooo nadia, go for it girl!! study first. if you really really really need this ( i know myself well though ), rethink about that again. if the things gain more that 3 reallys. :D
andd solat pray hope tawakal. insyaALLAH, everything that i wanted will be granted. amiiiin.
p/s : does getting everything that you want would make you happier? think about it (:
muhasabah diri muchhh
ReplyDeleteyeah diana. sedarkan diri ni.