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Monday, November 29, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
do we really need all this? like really?!!

hello anybody. how have you all been doing? great huh? yeah it's weekend lah. ^_^
sooo. maybe the title should be DO I REALLY NEED THIS. haha.
when to think this back kan. do i really need this branded clothes, shoes and bags and etc etc?? plus, i am not from a rich family, i don't have that much of savings and i don't have the scholar except for ehsan ayah tercinta. anddd, i am studying right now. i should focus most on studies and my coming career. i have to think how am i going to make my mak happier and give anything she wants like i was now and a little monster. i want to pay everything back to her. she has done A LOTTT to me. i love you mak.
to add more. when to think it back againnnn, what's the purpose of me living in this world? to make more money? to make a lot of friends? to make my wardrobe fuuuull with branded things or whatsoever? maybe i can afford to buy all the things i wanted in the future. in order to afford all this thins i wanted, i have to get an awesome job. and in order to have an awesome job, i have to struggle on my studies. this time i'm studying what i like which i prefer the most rather than studying biology, physics and chemistry. do you know that when you are studying the thing that you like, i mean that goes along with your music, you'll have a higher probability to nail it mann.
sooo nadia, go for it girl!! study first. if you really really really need this ( i know myself well though ), rethink about that again. if the things gain more that 3 reallys. :D
andd solat pray hope tawakal. insyaALLAH, everything that i wanted will be granted. amiiiin.
p/s : does getting everything that you want would make you happier? think about it (:
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
craving for sweeeeeeeeett food

hello to followers that has reached to 12. a round of applause to me. YAYYYY. haha.
i'm hungry lah. it's not that my mak didn't cook. sorry mak. i just don't have appetite to eat rice. my tummy is shouting a name, which is CAKE. haha. idk why my tummy has been so gedik to me today. nak tampar nanti i'll just hurting myself. so don't act foolish because i am no fool. :)
maybe i'll be making my-first-attempt cake. a chocolate cake, nak tak? eheh. i'll try lah. bf dah ada so kena belajar sikit sikit masak ni. gedik aihhhhh. hihiiii. i googled to look for the recipe and luckily all the ingredients are there in the drawer of the messy kitchen :P
maybe i was affected to the Cake Boss (S2) in TLC. greammmmmm.

we'll see what will happen or i'll end up eating roti kaya. :(
excited pula kita tengok FS pi singapura. tak apa tak apa. kita akan pi nanti. tapi kita tak mampu macam dia lah kan. kita pi ni pun low budjet punya tour to singapore. sehari aja pun. sebelah aja pun kan. aku jerit mesti dah dengar. hihih. christmas is wayy exciting in singapore. US tu nanti lah pergi. tunggu dapat scholar. tak pun i'll just wait for the disneyland in iskandar nusajaya to be ready. idk whether it's true or not. i just heard the rumors spread. weeeeeee. okay okay.
will hit the tab next time or later. adieu.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
i wanna watch HP!!

so bad kan nak tengok HP masih tak dapat dapat. kerana:
- i only have rm9 in my purse. pfft.
- got no company to watch together except for wan. but she is now attending the spm.
- unfigured factors. HAHA
okay okay move on nadia. having not-so-so-good last night but yayyy ended with a smile and tears of joy. thanks LUCKY guy. i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
as you can see that i only have 1 piece of 5 note and 4 pieces of 1 not. thank you. but still, the desire to own something something never failed to make me dream and dreammmmm. yessss!! in the need of new handbag, new sneakers, new jeans etc etc etc. okay here is the i-do-not-know-when-to-get list. plus, i am not from a filthy rich familia. maybe a challenge for myself to earn my own money for those expensive things which i really can't afford right now. so nanti bangga sikit beli barang idaman guna duit sendiri because i don't find any satisfaction shopping with parents' money. do you proud of that?? okay. this is the long-term target. semua berangan aja ni. eheh (:
- C&K handbag
- BB
- C or V or T sneakers
- M or E purse
- D colourful bracelet
- owl or elephant necklace
- M or Z jeans
- Z or HP flats
- R or K flip flops
- F21 or CO or M or Z or just nice and comfortable tops
and andd for the next birthday for the LUCKY guy of my this entire 4 years before. i think i can aonly buy him shirts or shorts or a K flip flops. i want him to have M or CO or T aja lah. Q is sooooo boring. tak rare. sama macam R and T yang perempuan perempuan sekarang suka tu. boooo. errkkk.

ni pun santek kan. untuk abang, maybe. weeeeeeeee. :)))))
sooooo. okay dah. list kebajetan dah siap lah juga. now, i just have to save and save. christmas will off to singapore which is wayyyy cheaper than our country. tapi crrency dah naik. hadoiii. selamat menghadapi spm kepada yang menghadap. senang ajaaaaaaa :P
Saturday, November 20, 2010
damn! Malaysia kalah :(

hello rakyat Malaysia . .
tajuk tu semangat Malaysia boleh kan? :D haha. i just finished watching the final takraw match. cewaaaah. supporting the Malaysian team lah wei! at first, i thought it was a waste of time watching sports. but not lah. as i watched them score and score, i got excited as the adrenaline level got higher and higherrrrr. woww. my heart was like shouting "Malaysia dapatlah emasssss!!!" but sadly we lose :'( to Thailand. so, we'll bring silver medal for takraw team. fyi, we've been losing takraw to Thailand for four times straight. tears washed away by the hujan now. haha. okay. lihat gambar di atas. gilalah dia lipat. caraaaa sei. :Othen, i realized that female also joined the takraw match but not for Malaysian team. well, i think it's not appropriate for female to lipat and kangkang like men. haha. and i was wondering "eii, tak takut ke dara kau koyak?" omgomg. :D

oh dear. look at that. i couldn't do this. and afraid okay :O

ni team Malaysia. except for the tallest guy, but he still the previous team members (:. the tekong was Azman. you can see Azman from the first picture with the mustache. nor shahrudin was great in the game, who wore jersey number 11 and farhan, the smallest (:

and soooo. i was thinking and hoping that the LUCKY guy can play takraw. he plays soccer. tak cool sangat. andddd andd i had a crush with nor shahrudin. haha. haih. perempuan if tengok sports tak sah kalau tak tengok ke-handsome-an players kan. :D
till then, go go Malaysia. Malaysia boleh!!!
p/s: to amie all the best for her badminton tournament in the karisma, uitm.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
a day after raya haji
haha. there are so many bloggers keep on writing about their raya adha celebrations kan. well, i am about to tell that story last night. but my brother was using the computer. so. again everybody, the mood of writing the story flown away. idk by whom or whatsoever, it was just "poof". okay sorry for being soo exxagerating. :D
each of us bought a new underpants. haha. i bought 2 actually after reminded, "satu aja untuk seorang" by mak lah kan. siapa lagi. tambah lagi kami belum dapat ehsan dariapa ayah tercinta. hehe. then, i saw a lovely yet so wanting tshirts. and we were like, "omgomg it's MJ". we were also like, "we have to buy this, we HAVE TO!". andddd. there you are right now in our wardrobe. but my little sister can't wait to wear it. sooo...

see. look at her. show offfffffffffffffffff.
we both bought the same design but different colours. just like the good wonderful old days of being the little kids. i bought blue and she have the so-called-pink shirt. :D
we were both happy and very proud to have MJ. haha. riak dah. riak dah. sudah lah. the best part was, happy ending yawww. bad thing is we have to pay our mak's money back. right after we got the ehsan daripada ayah tercinta.
okay okay.
i did feel sad because i couldn't watch harry potter the deathly hallows part 1 today as planned. ):
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
esok korban binatang banyak banyak
salam semua. salam hari raya. :D
huhu. hello people. great. 2 posts in a day. wooooooooooooooooooo!!
still watching and sleeping with MR.TV. ada nama kan kau tv. haha. happy now kan. not like my previous posts. days of crying out loud, heartbreaking, missing the LUCKY guy and etc etc etc. you know those sad and tears days. girlsss ([g:rlz])
(haha. phonetics. that reminds me of ling lang) aww. okay okay. stop nadia.
oh lupa. topic. happy now. i went through the normal couples would do with their phones. texting, calling, etc etc.... which i like and feels like young days agian. uuurrghh, am i that old. naa. no i am still young. :D
feels like the old days, during the first years of lovey-dovey. like i don't want to separate a minute from you sayang. awww. abang i heart you with all my soul and bones. boleh terima tak. hihihihihi.
oh. btw, happy eid adha. happy eid qurban. happy enjoying the meats of the sembelihan.
huhu. hello people. great. 2 posts in a day. wooooooooooooooooooo!!
still watching and sleeping with MR.TV. ada nama kan kau tv. haha. happy now kan. not like my previous posts. days of crying out loud, heartbreaking, missing the LUCKY guy and etc etc etc. you know those sad and tears days. girlsss ([g:rlz])
(haha. phonetics. that reminds me of ling lang) aww. okay okay. stop nadia.
oh lupa. topic. happy now. i went through the normal couples would do with their phones. texting, calling, etc etc.... which i like and feels like young days agian. uuurrghh, am i that old. naa. no i am still young. :D
feels like the old days, during the first years of lovey-dovey. like i don't want to separate a minute from you sayang. awww. abang i heart you with all my soul and bones. boleh terima tak. hihihihihi.
oh. btw, happy eid adha. happy eid qurban. happy enjoying the meats of the sembelihan.
Monday, November 15, 2010
at home :D
it has been a while kan. actually, i had planned to write but the mood of writing got away. idk where the mood has gone. haha. my last 2 posts were stuck in the drafts. XD
okay. dah a week spending lepak time in the house. watching tv, lying on the couch till the tv watches me everyday. note that EVERYDAY. gila tak senonoh anank dara ni kan. hahah. peduli aih. dah memang aku pemalas. eiiiiiiiii. masyaALLAH nadia oiiiiii!
bilik jangan cakap lah. macam pig sty. oppsiee. humiliating myself.
well, tomorrow is the Aidiladha. my emak told me to clean up the house corner but my heart refused to do it and the kudrat too. biasalah pemalas kan. just wait her to get home and yell at me for not following her orders. ORDERS sei. haha.
okay. will continue watching the tv. :D
okay. dah a week spending lepak time in the house. watching tv, lying on the couch till the tv watches me everyday. note that EVERYDAY. gila tak senonoh anank dara ni kan. hahah. peduli aih. dah memang aku pemalas. eiiiiiiiii. masyaALLAH nadia oiiiiii!
bilik jangan cakap lah. macam pig sty. oppsiee. humiliating myself.
well, tomorrow is the Aidiladha. my emak told me to clean up the house corner but my heart refused to do it and the kudrat too. biasalah pemalas kan. just wait her to get home and yell at me for not following her orders. ORDERS sei. haha.
okay. will continue watching the tv. :D
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
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