Monday, August 23, 2010

23rd august 2010

hi rakyat jelata.
i'm thinking about being an active blog writer. haha. if i do have issues and time.
without knowing what actually happened around me, every single minute, we do have an issue, at least. am i right? haha. just write nadia.

okay. briefly what had happened today were:
  • overslept, forgot to sahur with KELLY. sorry :(
  • debating on SHOULD UNIVERSITY STUDENTS INVOLVE IN POLITICS. thank you i was the first speaker, defender/government. i was so silly. i was nervous, not confident. pfft.
  • study LING and LANG in surau. minah arab bising sungguh. aku annoyed!
  • quiz. finished early.
  • hopped in U bus until keris mas. stucked there for about 20 minutes. padan muka aku.
  • went to an interview, TNC's project blah blah.
  • free iftaar at puri pujangga.
  • planning on being an active blogger. lol
penat kan. haha. well, at least free meal. save duit aku.
jadi, isu for today is my list of hateness. bajet baik lah. each and everyone of us has their own opinion on something or somebody. i know i am no one, perfectly not perfect, but still, aku cerewet. terima atau tak terpulang. sesungguhnya ini nadia.

firstly, sangat memohon maaf jika anda tergolong dalam list di bawah.
tambahan lagi, jika anda berkait dengan list di bawah, anda mungkin tidak dapat suka dalam jangka masa yang lama.
say anything you want, as long as i'm being myself. this is me, do. :)

  • you are not my type of friend
  • you are fat
  • you are a rebonding do-er
  • you are a MNG Lovely Price tshirt wear-er
  • you are kampung, agas
  • you are trying to be rich, but actually you are not
  • you are KOLOT. basically kampung lah kan.
  • you are trying to be the best, but actually you know nothing about what you're saying. bajet tahu gila lah tu. sial.
  • you talk to me like i'm too stupid. ini memang macam sibai.
i think that's enough for now. sangat2 minta maaf atas perbuatan aku ini. jika ada yang terasa minta ampun. tapi kalau aku dah tak suka kau, memang aku tak suka kau lah. sangat menyakitkan mata aku untuk tengok kau, even dengan sebelah mata. i'm just a normal girl, which is soo not good. frankly, aku tak baik. aku ni perempuan yang jahat jugalah.

so, okay. banyak membebel. well, my blog kan. no offence please.
sekian, terima kasih. :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

counting days to my birthday. :)))

menghitung hari untuk menjadi lebih tua. haha. siapa aja yang makin muda kan, except for BENJAMIN BUTTON kan. hahaha. nak hadiah please. haha. tak perlu lah rasanya. the most thing yang aku nak ialah, RAIMI. abang, do come home fast. i am freekingly missing you, crazy thinking about you everyday. okay2, i am sad already. ABANG!! RINDU ABANG GILA BABII!!

okay, esok nak quiz LING AND LANG. bukan darling atau alang ya. haha. linguistics ya. agak susah, tapi kelas tutorial DR NORIZAN best, seronok. quiz ni 20%, tapi aku baru start pagi ahad. sedang kan quiz will be held monday afternoon. way to go nadia, kononnya pandai kan. i know i can. alhamdulillah, amiin.

what will be asked?
morphology, phonology, phonetics and language.

there are too many words to be read. but still, i have to work harder for that. because, I LOVE MY MAK. aww, now i miss her, ALWAYS okay!
what to do, btw, i am an ELIT student, i have to learn all this thing. actually, this program is fun. i am loving it. dari belajar sains which is not my music. haha. tapi seriously aku rindu nak belajar biology. aww.

later lah. study tak habis. tidur dahulu. haha. blog sayang, doakan saya.
p/s maybe abang tak dengar ni, tapi, I MISS YOU!!!! I LOVE YOU!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

blog has been upgraded.

i feel like writing today, in the middle of the night. haha. i don't know why. meroyan agaknya aku ni. rindu kot pada blog yang dah berlapuk ni. or, shall i say, I'M FUCKING BORED!! or, i have no one to talk to. or, my heart speaks, I NEED MAN IN MY LIFE. haha. desperate? maybe. haha. babi sahaja. biarlah. siapa yang tak nak jantan tu nak normal okay. eeeeeee. tapi aku ni jenis yang setia ya, people. ya, saya sudah berpunya. tapi dia MIA or aku saja yang tahu where he went to.

sekarang, aku hidup di bangi, selangor. furthering study at ukm. great! really?? trying to cope into this UKM. tak ramai kawan yang aku berkenan. okay aku ni cerewet. aku tak pandai nak sapa orang dahulu. memang ramai orang cakap aku sombong. suka hati kamulah. no one knows me better except my MIA lover. haha.

roomate aku a kelantanese senior. hari-hari dengar dangdut. EEUUWW. aku tak suka tapi nak buat macam mana. pretend that i never listen to such craps. DANGDUT SUCKS, okay!
really not my thing. haha.

sini aku suka jalan sendiri. nak explore ukm dan juga area bangi ni. besar ya. very normal if you got lost here, congestions. urgh! BORED! kalau nak ajak kawan-kawan 'baru' aku tu, naah! boringlah mereka tu. we are not in the same road. i rather walk alone than with those lame friends. sorry, aku TAK SUKA korang. nope! bukan taste aku. haha. macam bagus aja aku tulis ni. biarlah. each and everyone of us has our own opinion. plus, we are not angels and SOO NOT PERFECT.

penat, lapar, panas, bosan, sunyi. oh man. i need my MIA lover. i need you now! so badly. i want you to touch me softly with those naugthy hands. uwow. haha. okay, horny? kind of. eeuuww. hahah. biarlah!! no more crappa frappa. haha. kalau lebih nanti lain jadi.
later. gambar bila entah nak tukar. menyampah aku tengok gambar sendiri. haha. bodoh.
wtyl blog. je taime my MIA lover.