feeling the down emotion, sad, unlucky enough anddd other bad feelings. haha. it's funny to write my sad emotion feelings here. but that's the reality. the real thing of what i'm feeling inside. i don't think anyone would care about this. so, i have to face this by my own.
in order to make myself better, i have to, haveee to be strong, a superwoman. nadia, don't hope too much that is impossible and don't ever put high hopes to the people you hoped for that that blaaa blaaaa. okay tak?
yess yesss. i am now leading a quite pathetic life. i don't have smart phone, dslr and so many more that all the now-girls wanted to have and keep them for life in their pocket.
does having all these on-the-go-tech-kit shows who yourself really are? maybe. one word, RICH. does being rich means that you're having a good good life? probably. yeahhh. at least you guys have the money and richness to make yourself forget all your worries kannn?
sadly, i don't have all theseeeeee. do i really care? sometimes. sad and pathetic much? hmm. :)
but. okay there's a but. but maybe. maybe pula? haha. okay but maybe, i could learn more and motive myself to try harder and strive for excellent for all my next 5 semesters of studying. so that i could change my fate and my make my mak very proud of her daughter. and also my children wouldn't experience the same as i am experiencing this now.
what i'm experiencing now, children. children? i would like my coming-children to read my blog in the future seiii. huhu ^^
back to the my experience :D,
i feel like i am not lucky enough to be in this world. why? look how my dad treated me. he took my sister and the kids away to a wonderful vacation, shopping and to wrap everything up, it was like a whole week of holiday which i wasn't invited, not even call like "kak no nak ikut tak ayah pergi jalan?" NOOOO okay!!!! . how did i know this? i peeked at my sister's fb. very sad ;'( and soo not fair. okay fineeeeee! so children of my future, mummy will treat all of you equally and mummy will try not to make all you sad and cry.
will continue writing the heartbroken phase tomorrow. can't handle the tears right now ;'(