hey people.
tomorrow paper, PSS. like History paper back in 2008.
abang, i miss you. i need you. can i have just a minute chat with you honey. i just need to hear your voice. i want you to know that i'll be facing PSS tomorrow. i want you to say TAKE CARE SAYANG and GOOD LUCK BABY. it's so hard this days without you. even though you've come back but still i freakingly missing you.
even harder because you don't own a phone right now. i called your brother, your sister. none of them is picking up their phone OR reply my text.
Ya ALLAH, please, please and please let me hear his voice. a minute would be more than enough for me. :'(
abang, i love you. i love you. i love you like till the end and i won't go for any guy other than you darling. i missssssssssssss you abang. i want you right now!!!! *sobbing.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
rajin kan post post ni. ^^
moorrrrningggg people :)
done with my first paper yesterday. full stop.
next is Pengantar Sains Sosial. haven't finish revising it. err. bila ya kau nak sedar diri?
jawapan: . . . buffering . . .
woke up early this morning. updating my tumblr. just simple. not like others, vavavooooomm.
do take a look* to whom yang baca ni lah. http://donadia.tumblr.com/
kita rindu suami kita. idk for how many times i've been saying that to my friends. haha. ieja and i are planning to meet our suami next week. hopefully jadi. it's about a year like we haven't seen each other face. aww. i am sooo missing you abang. dah lah forbidden love. haishh. apa apa pun I WON'T STOP LOVING YOU, ABANG

Sunday, October 24, 2010
a step to dean's list starts tomorrow

to much dreams to pursue these days kan
FINALLY lah! i've sent all my assignments. i am soo soo relieved! phiuh. ^^
but tomorrow is the big day. my final exam started tomorrow. haven't finish covering all the lecture notes. heh! how am i gonna grab the deans lists??? come on baby!!
26th October 2010 : Critical Appreciation
29th October 2010 : Pengantar Sains Sosial
31st October 2010 : Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia
1st November 2010:Bahasa Inggeris untuk Sains Sosial
9th November 2010:Pengantar Bahasa dan Linguistik
after 2-3pm of 9th november, i'll be heading to johor bahru. yeayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!
haih. so excited too, meeting my so-called-husband. hiihii. rindu lah! biarlah :P
well, wish me luck and please do pray for me for NUR NADIA BINTI ZAINAL ALAM SHAH will be included in the dean's lists award. insyaALLAH amiiiiinn. :)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
semalam headbanging, hari ni nak headhanging.
wah. dah bertambah follower. haha.
hello. ladies and gentlemen, presenting tomorrow, thursday. nadia will face the busiest day she has ever had. take that you pemalas!
i went to paramore live yesterday, 19th october.
bestest okay. it was first time going to concert like that. i was in the rockzone with amie and zuraidah. we were singing(eventhough i didn't memorize all the songs), headbanging, screaming, shouting. my 323 ringgit tak membazir. now, i wanna watch paramore MORE! ^^
met amie's friend: fyqa, zu, fadzuan and fizi there.
okay thursday everyone.
still not working on my assignments which is A LOT.
i miss my already-here-boyfriend :(
thanks ENCIK BURUNG HANTU for coming back after your busy day. :))))))))))
hello. ladies and gentlemen, presenting tomorrow, thursday. nadia will face the busiest day she has ever had. take that you pemalas!
i went to paramore live yesterday, 19th october.
bestest okay. it was first time going to concert like that. i was in the rockzone with amie and zuraidah. we were singing(eventhough i didn't memorize all the songs), headbanging, screaming, shouting. my 323 ringgit tak membazir. now, i wanna watch paramore MORE! ^^
met amie's friend: fyqa, zu, fadzuan and fizi there.
okay thursday everyone.
still not working on my assignments which is A LOT.
i miss my already-here-boyfriend :(
thanks ENCIK BURUNG HANTU for coming back after your busy day. :))))))))))
Monday, October 18, 2010
my lucky lucky monday
hi lucky readers too . . . . .
i'm so so soo happy right now. i feel like i wanna shout out loud right now why i'm so happy and full of joy. i can't stop smiling from day to night. :) :) :)
thanks to ENCIK BURUNG HANTU for making my day. sorry to call you this. haha.
after 272 days of being apart. at last i could hear his voice. the voice that used to tickel my heart in the night. the voice that always express the I LOVE YOU words. the voice that always give me pep talk. eventhough sometimes you really irritates me, but i don't know why i still love you. plus, a stronger affection of your love abang.
moments of waiting are worth waits though. haha. betul ke ayat tu? :P
i love you till the end of my life abang.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
in a GOOOOOOD mood :))))
hello anyone, whoever you are.
great huh. awesome. feeling good after cleaning my crib. cewaah crib.
i can smell the clean air again. not like my other crib-mate. being ignorant of her surrounding.
hah! let her be like that because i just don't care AT ALL.

hey! i should have been carrying my books right now. Ya Allah! Ling Lang sei! the thickest book this semester which i have to spend more time and effort on seducing IT. plus, 4 presentations more to go, F-O-U-R okay in a week. can you imagine that. whoa.

will head a very hectic week. pfft.
but nadia baby, please, cheer up.
:D :D :D
that's HIS girl. aww. :)
Friday, October 15, 2010
getting myself rajin blogging. :)
blogging :)
hello to not that everybody will read my blog.
aww. :(
okay. about the last post. again. i'm sorry Dr Kemboja. i didn't do the tutorials.
NOW. i'll try blogging using English. :)
yeah. even though i'm not that excellent in English but i'll try. i know that sometime people laugh when they see errors in someone's English. i did. but after Dr Raihanah said that it's not wrong to speak or write broken English. well, at least you've tried right. it's the part of learning though. as for i am an ELIT student, i'll be using English for the whole 3 years of my degree program. and soon, insyaALLAH for my masters. i've said to my mum that i won't get married until i have the masters program finished. i'll be 23 at that time. haha. old lady 8)
cool huh.
continue writing :)
this afternoon, i don't know what's happening to me man. i keep on imagining my boyfriend. like i was being dreaming all day long. keep seeing him. smiling at me, waving at me, kissing my forehead and cheek and waiting for me. idk. i'm just missing him too much am i?

aww. look at boo. :)
p/s will continue later. Wednesday, October 13, 2010
sumpah rindu mohd raimi sabri ! !
lama kan tak tulis dalam blog ni. dah lapuk sangat. nak tulis tapi don't feel like one. haha.
gila gila. jealous juga tengok blog orang lain. ramai orang komen, ayat va va voom, ramai follower. macam macam lah.
okay. petang ni akan bentang pengantar sains sosial. tapi tak siap lagi. amacam? cara?
haha. boleh punyalah nadia oi! you can baby! demi nak siapkan slides aku ponteng lagi OCS.
sorry Dr. Kemboja. i'll make those tutorials. tonoght maybe. :)

okay lagi. hehe. aku rindu gila dengan MIA boyfriend aku. even semalam ada crush dalam kelas TITAS. but still i miss you abang. lama mana pun i'll be waiting for you honey honey. itu aja. nak cakap lagi, miss you. love you. waiting for you. crazily missing you. <3
next next.haha haha.
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